14 Benefits of Rucking For Mind & Body

14 Benefits of Rucking For Mind & Body

“There is incontrovertible evidence that regular physical activity contributes to the primary and secondary prevention of several chronic diseases and is associated with a reduced risk of premature death.” — this sentence from the summary of the narrative review published in the “Canadian Medical Association Journal” stuck deep in my mind after I read it […]

7 Best Socks for Rucking: The Ultimate Buyer’s Guide

7 Best Socks for Rucking: The Ultimate Buyer's Guide

Socks are often low on the priority list, and in my experience, that’s a huge mistake. While the focus is often on selecting the right backpack and rucking boots or tactical boots, choosing the best ruck sock cannot be overstated. If you fail to choose suitable socks, you risk blisters, athlete’s foot, and numerous other […]

Rucking vs Hiking: Exploring the Key Differences

Rucking vs Hiking: Exploring The Key Differences

When I mention rucking, most people ask, “How does rucking differ from hiking?” This question is rather expected because hiking has been around for decades, and rucking is a newer concept, at least among the general population. Although they share many benefits and features, no, they are not exactly the same, with trekking being the […]

The Risks And Rewards Of Rucking For Seniors

The Risks And Rewards Of Rucking For Seniors

As we age, prioritizing our health becomes increasingly important. However, this does not mean that you should reduce physical activity, on the contrary. Forget Dr. McGill method and similar nonsense that promote keeping your spine always in neutral position or avoiding vigorous activities. Numerous studies have refuted such claims. (1) (2)  In my profession as […]

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