Rucking vs Running: Comparing The Two Types Of Exercise

A split-image showing a man rucking through a wooded area on the left and another man running along a waterfront on the right. The title "Rucking vs Running: Comparing the Two Types of Exercise" is prominently displayed over the image, emphasizing the differences between rucking and running.

Running is amazing. It is one of the best cardiovascular exercises, and it has many other health benefits. But running benefits come with a price for many. Most people are not physically fit to run regularly without injuries and pain because their sedentary lifestyle atrophies their bodies, making them incapable of withstanding that sudden peak […]

Rucking vs Backpacking: Which Outdoor Adventure Suits Your Style?

A split-image comparison with a man rucking on a paved path on the left and a woman backpacking in a lush, green outdoor environment on the right. The title "Rucking vs Backpacking: Which Outdoor Adventure Suits Your Style?" is overlayed in bold text, contrasting the two outdoor activities.

In the world of outdoor adventures, two activities stand out for their ability to push the limits of physical endurance, bring many health benefits, and provide a sense of connection with nature: rucking and backpacking. While both involve hiking with a loaded backpack, they are not the same. Each offers a unique experience that fits […]

The 7 Best Rucksacks For Training Purposes

The 7 Best Rucksacks For Training Purposes

Rucking, a demanding endurance activity, requires physical and mental strength; you already know that. But in order to give your best in any activity, you need the right equipment to support your journey. Along with buying footwear, choosing the best rucksack for training is a crucial decision. You have to find the perfect balance between […]

How Much Weight Should You Ruck With?

A web page mockup with the title "How Much Weight Should You Ruck With?" in bold text. The image shows a person hiking through a rocky, sunlit landscape, carrying a large rucksack. The person's back is to the camera, emphasizing the weight and size of the pack, relevant to the topic of determining appropriate rucking weight.

Rucking has become widespread in the last five or ten years. It’s popular not just among fitness enthusiasts but also among regular people seeking a challenging yet rewarding workout experience suitable for different ages and fitness levels. One of the fundamental questions asked by beginners and experienced ruckers alike is: How much weight should you […]

Is Rucking Bad for Your Back? Here’s The Truth

A web page mockup with the title "Is Rucking Bad for Your Back? Here’s the Truth" in bold text. The image shows a person sitting on a bed with a hand on their back, displaying signs of discomfort, with a visual of a highlighted spine overlaid on their back, suggesting the topic of back health and rucking.

Back pain is probably the most prevalent type of pain, and practically everyone experiences it at least sometimes. Low back pain is the first on the list, but other parts of the back can also cause problems. (1) People are often terrified when this happens, and since rucking involves carrying heavy weights on the back, […]

Rucking vs Weighted Vest: Understanding The Differences

A split-image comparison showing a man rucking in a rocky outdoor environment on the left and another man jogging with a weighted vest in an urban area on the right. The title "Rucking vs Weighted Vest: Understanding the Differences" is prominently displayed over the image, highlighting the comparison between these two fitness activities.

Even if you are familiar with fitness, finding the most effective training method for yourself is never easy. In most cases, you have to try several different approaches before you can say that a certain one suits you perfectly. Clients often ask me if I prefer rucking or weighted vest training. While seemingly similar, each […]

Top 6 Best Rucking Backpacks for Your Next Adventure

Top 6 Best Rucking Backpacks for Your Next Adventure

Most of us went on our first ruck with a backpack that we otherwise use for the gym or to carry a laptop. Only a few miles were enough for me to realize that I will have to invest in a rucking backpack if I intend to do this activity regularly. Choosing the right rucking […]

A Complete Guide On How To Ruck Faster

A Complete Guide On How To Ruck Faster

Rucking as an army special forces assessment is an endurance activity, not a sprint. However, for those who regularly ruck, it’s not just a stroll through nature with a weighted pack. Serious ruckers looking to take their performance to the next level always want to learn how to ruck faster. Rucking is a dynamic and […]

Discover The Top 8 Health Benefits Of Rucking

Discover The Top 8 Health Benefits Of Rucking

As a fitness professional, I’m so tired of new fitness trends and workouts emerging seemingly every day and promising miraculous health benefits. It is surely even more overwhelming for a regular person who just wants to start some physical activity but doesn’t know where to start. Actually, the main problem is that we all tend […]

What is a Ruck March? A Guide to Conquering Challenges and Redefining Limits.

What is A Ruck March? Learn More In This Complete Guide

Welcome, fellow ruckers. I know many of you are already familiar with regular rucking sessions and do them often. But whether you’re a seasoned pro or a curious beginner, you may not clearly know the answer to the question “what is a ruck march”? Yes, every trip to nature with a weighted backpack can be […]

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