Is Rucking a Full Body Workout

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Rucking combines the simplicity of walking with the added challenge of weight. More often than not, this transforms an ordinary stroll into a full-blown workout that comes with various health benefits. Historically, rucking has gained popularity for its ability to enhance physical fitness through a simple yet effective method.

Many fitness enthusiasts and newcomers alike often overthink whether rucking truly offers a full-body workout or if its benefits are more limited in scope. This question is crucial for those looking to maximize their exercise regimen with efficient, all-encompassing activities.
In this article, you will learn:

  • The definition of rucking and its historical significance.
  • How rucking impacts various muscle groups, offering a full-body workout experience.
  • The additional health benefits of incorporating rucking into your fitness routine.

Let’s see whether rucking can be considered a full-body workout or not from the start.

Is Rucking a Full Body Workout?

Yes, rucking is a full-body workout. Rucking is considered a full-body workout because it works all major muscle groups and joints and necessitates proper coordination between different parts of your body.

Rucking will effectively target your legs, core, and upper body muscles, even though it may seem that the activation may not be sufficient at first. See, the rucksack for rucking can be used to progressively overload your sessions, which will make your muscles work harder but adapt better as well [1].

The added external resistance in the form of a heavy rucksack will challenge your body to work harder, which will result in more energy burned. The energy you must use to keep going is distributed across your entire body. 

This is because you must constantly move with your legs, which requires ankle dorsi and plantarflexion, knee flexion and extension, and hip flexion and extension. Also, your upper body will work in the isometric regime to keep your torso stable and rucksack in the proper place so you won’t fall in front or backward. 

The amount of energy you burn is drastically correlated with the weight of your rucksack but also with the terrain incline and some other additional factors. 

Let’s breakdown even further how rucking affects your entire body and which specific systems in your body benefit the most.

Rucking Engages the Lower Body

Rucking primarily targets the lower body muscles such as the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. But in reality, rucking will work every single muscle of your lower body in all three planes of motion. 

This is because the added weight of the rucksack will require you to stabilize not just in the sagittal plane but also in your frontal and transverse plane. Also, the act of carrying additional weight significantly increases the demand on your muscles, enhancing overall strength and muscular endurance over time.

In my experience, picking the proper underwear is crucial so your legs feel comfortable and you avoid creating rashes and scratches during long hikes. In case you want to avoid all the negatives of wearing improper underwear, check our guide on the best types of underwear for rucking.

Rucking Strengthens the Upper Body and Core

The upper body, particularly the shoulders, upper back, and traps is engaged in the act of carrying the backpack. Maintaining proper posture while rucking is crucial and naturally involves the core muscles, including the abdominals and lower back. This not only helps to improve core strength but also enhances stability and balance. 

Also, this is why rucking for the upper body is primarily classified through a continual isometric contraction. The function of your trunk, consisting of your abdominals and certain hip muscles, is primarily to keep your body stable while walking and carrying a rucksack or backpack.

Rucking Offers Additional Cardiovascular and Endurance Benefits

Beyond muscle engagement, rucking elevates the heart rate, contributing to cardiovascular health and endurance. The added weight makes your heart work harder to supply oxygen to your muscles, increasing cardiovascular endurance. This makes rucking an efficient workout for improving overall fitness. 

Carrying weight on your back while walking will force your cardiovascular system to supply nutrients to your muscles quickly so you avoid fatigue. What this does is force your heart to pump the blood much faster so it can deliver those nutrients where needed. 

This is how we effectively improve the function of our cardiovascular system, resulting in better longevity and overall health. If you want more detailed insights into your cardiovascular system, then you should definitely check our article about the best rucking apps.

Rucking Also Offers Versatility and Scalability

One of the unique aspects of rucking is its versatility and scalability. By adjusting the weight of the rucksack, individuals can customize the intensity of their workout to suit their fitness level and goals. 

This adaptability makes rucking a suitable full-body workout for both beginners and advanced athletes.

The Impact of Rucking on Different Muscle Groups

Rucking is a dynamic activity that engages several key muscle groups across the body. Its effectiveness as a full-body workout can be attributed to the way it challenges these muscles, promoting strength, endurance, and overall physical fitness. 

Here’s a closer look at how rucking impacts various muscle groups.

Lower Body Muscles

Here is how rucking impacts lower body muscles.

Glutes and Hamstrings

The act of walking, especially under added weight, heavily engages the gluteus maximus and hamstrings, contributing to stronger, more toned lower body muscles.


Stabilizing the body and propelling it forward with each step, the quadriceps work continuously during rucking, enhancing leg strength and endurance. If your quads are aching and knees are hurting during intensive rucking sessions, picking the right knee brace can definitely help.


The calves play a crucial role in each step’s push-off phase, and the added resistance of rucking amplifies their engagement, improving muscular endurance and power. If you’re looking to enhance your lower leg strength, learning how to build rucking calves can be a game-changer. Calves can also be further activated and deliver better performance with proper rucking socks.

Upper Body Muscles

Here is also how rucking impacts upper body muscles.

Shoulders (Deltoids)

Carrying a weighted rucksack places significant stress on the shoulder muscles, strengthening them and improving overall shoulder health and stability.

Upper Back (Trapezius and Rhomboids)

The need to maintain a stable posture with a weighted pack encourages the upper back muscles to work harder, fostering strength and endurance in this area.

Core (Abdominals and Lower Back)

The core muscles are constantly engaged during rucking to maintain balance and posture, especially with the challenge of carrying additional weight, leading to a stronger, more resilient core.

Cardiovascular System

While not a muscle group per se, the cardiovascular system benefits greatly from rucking. The sustained effort required to ruck, particularly over longer distances or with significant weight, improves heart health, increases lung capacity, and boosts overall cardiovascular endurance.

Additional Health Benefits of Rucking You Should Be Aware Of

While the physical benefits of rucking are significant, the exercise’s advantages extend well beyond muscle strength and cardiovascular health. Rucking also offers several other health benefits that contribute to a well-rounded fitness and wellness regimen.

1 – Mental Health Benefits

Below are the most notable mental health benefits tied to rucking.

Stress Reduction

The combination of physical exercise and being outdoors can significantly reduce stress levels. Rucking, often performed in natural settings, provides a dual benefit by combining the calming effects of nature with the endorphin release associated with physical activity.

Improved Mental Clarity and Focus

Regular physical activity, such as rucking, has been shown to improve cognitive function, including enhanced focus, memory, and mental clarity.

Increased Endorphins

Like other forms of exercise, rucking increases the production of endorphins, the body’s natural mood elevators, leading to improved mood and a sense of well-being.

2 – Weight Loss and Management

Here is how rucking can impact weight loss and weight management when done properly.

Caloric Burn

Rucking burns more calories than walking alone due to the added weight, making it an effective exercise for weight loss and management.

Metabolic Rate Increase

Regular rucking can increase your resting metabolic rate, meaning you’ll burn more calories even when not exercising, aiding in long-term weight management.

3 – Bone Density and Joint Health

Here are the rucking benefits associated with our articular system and why rucking is perceived as increasing bone density.

Bone Strength

The weight-bearing nature of rucking helps improve bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

Joint Health

While high-impact exercises can sometimes stress the joints, rucking provides a moderate level of impact that can strengthen the muscles and tissues around the joints, improving their health and function.

4 – Social and Community Aspect

Lastly, rucking isn’t just about muscles and improved lung capacity. Here are some of the less noticed but very important social benefits of rucking.

Building Connections

Rucking is often done in groups, providing a social component that can lead to new friendships and a sense of community.

Teamwork and Leadership Skills

Participating in rucking events or groups encourages teamwork and can help develop leadership skills.

Incorporating Rucking into Your Fitness Routine

Incorporating rucking into your fitness routine is a straightforward process that can yield significant health and fitness benefits. Here are some tips to get you started and ensure you’re rucking safely and effectively.

Getting Started with Rucking 

Here is how to get started with rucking to avoid injuries and maximize performance.

Choose the Right Gear

A good-quality backpack and comfortable, durable footwear are essential for rucking. Ensure your backpack fits well and can hold the desired weight securely.

Start with Manageable Weight

Begin with a weight that is challenging but manageable. A good starting point is 10% of your body weight. As you become more comfortable with rucking, you can gradually increase the weight.

Plan Your Route

Start with flat, even terrain and plan for a distance that you can comfortably cover, given the added challenge of the weight. As your endurance improves, you can explore more challenging routes.

Tips for Beginners

Here are some of the best tips I believe are essential for every beginner rucker.

Tip #1 – Focus on Posture

Keep your back straight and shoulders back to avoid strain. Proper posture is crucial to prevent injuries.

Tip #2 – Stay Hydrated

Carry water with you, especially on longer rucks. Staying hydrated is key to maintaining your performance and health.

Tip #3 – Listen to Your Body

If you experience pain beyond the usual muscle fatigue, take it as a sign to rest and reassess the weight you’re carrying or your rucking technique.

Tip #4 – Gradually Increase Weight

Once you’re comfortable with your initial weight, gradually add more in small increments. This will help your body adjust without risking injury.

Tip #5 – Vary Your Routes

Incorporate hills or uneven terrain to challenge different muscle groups and improve your balance and stability.

Tip #6 – Incorporate Intervals

Mix periods of faster walking or even jogging with your regular pace to increase the cardiovascular challenge.

Wrapping Up

Wrapping up our journey through the dynamic world of rucking, it’s evident that this activity is much more than a simple walk. It’s a powerful, full-body workout that not only builds muscle and boosts cardiovascular health but also nurtures mental well-being. Rucking invites us to challenge ourselves, carrying the weight of our ambitions on our backs, literally. 

It’s accessible for all, from fitness novices to seasoned athletes, offering a path to enhanced physical and mental health. So, why not strap on a rucksack and step into the world of rucking? You might just discover a stronger, healthier, and more resilient version of yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Times a Week Should You Ruck?

You should ruck two to three times a week. This frequency allows for adequate recovery time between sessions while providing sufficient stimulus for fitness improvements.

Can You Get Big From Rucking?

You can increase muscle endurance and tone from rucking, but significant muscle mass gains are unlikely. Rucking primarily enhances cardiovascular health and muscular endurance rather than building large muscle volume.

Can Rucking Replace Running?

Rucking can replace running for cardiovascular and endurance training purposes. It offers a lower impact alternative that still improves cardiovascular health and burns calories, though the two activities target different fitness aspects.

Can Rucking Get You Ripped?

Rucking can contribute to a lean, toned physique by burning fat and improving muscular endurance. However, achieving a “ripped” appearance also requires a comprehensive fitness approach, including strength training and nutrition management.


  1. Peterson MD, Pistilli E, Haff GG, Hoffman EP, Gordon PM. Progression of volume load and muscular adaptation during resistance exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011;111(6):1063-1071. doi:10.1007/s00421-010-1735-9

About the Author

About rucking basics

Rucking Basics provides expert-driven, trustworthy guidance and resources to empower individuals at all levels of fitness to engage with and excel in the world of rucking.

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